24 Ways To Seduce Your Lover With Massage!
Intensify your intimacy with a variety of easy to do massage techniques you'll both love. The Massage Seductions Game includes a Massage Candle, a Warming Heart Massager, 24 Massage Seduction cards and a spoon.
Set aside some time to relax your lover into sensual bliss. First, review the seduction card techniques and pick one with instructions that appeals to both of you the most and proceed.
Light the Massage Candle and dribble a little into the palm of your hand as it melts (or use the spoon provided). This makes a fine moisturizing massage lotion to rub into your partner's skin.
The Warming Heart Massager heats up when you activate the disc inside. Use this to apply soothing heat.
• Massage Seductions Game
• 24 ways to seduce your lover with tender and tantalizing massage techniques
• Massage candle melts into massage lotion
• Applicator spoon
• 24 Massage Seduction instruction cards
• 1 Warming Heart Massager, good for 20 uses
• Massage seduction tips
• Kit instructions
• All packaged in sturdy box for bookshelf or nightstand
• Printed in English, Spanish, French and German
An important aspect of the Massage Seductions Game is creating a comfortable environment for your lover. First, turn off your phones. The Massage Candle offers some light –– or you may wish to add more candles around the room or dim the lights. Soft music is good, too! Since both of you will be naked, it's important the room be warm enough to be bare skin friendly!
The Massage Seductions Game makes a great thoughtful gift. Instead of going out to a movie, stay-in with your Massage Seductions Game instead.
Adam & Eve recommends the Massage Seductions Game to couples looking to break away from their same-old, same-old habits while sharing a richly rewarding intimate experience.
Order the Massage Seductions Game for Valentine's Day and get 50% off your order PLUS a FREE Romance Kit & FREE Shipping too with promo code BABE16!