75-ball bingo is a popular game played in the US. A caller calls out numbers randomly between 1 and 75. If they appear on a player's card, the player covers them or 'daubs' them. The first player to complete a pre-determined pattern with covered numbers wins the game.
Tickets are formatted with a 5x5 chart of numbers. Each spot on the chart presents a number, apart from the center square, which is labelled "FREE".
Only acceptance from this rule is if there is a 5-line bingo, which is a version the 75 ball based bingo game. The card for 5-line bingo has 5 columns 5 rows and 25 squares which means there is no free space.
In order to play, it is required that you purchase at least one ticket in a game of 75-ball bingo.
You'll be able to see the price per ticket on the ticket or in the purchase panel.
The numbers are arranged as follows:
- The B column contains numbers ranging from 1 through 15.
- The I column contains numbers ranging from 16 through 30.
- The N column contains numbers ranging from 31 to 45.
- The G column contains numbers ranging from 46 to 60.
- The O column contains numbers ranging from 61 to 75.
In most cases, the size of a game's pay-out is determined by the cost per ticket and the number of players who took part in the game. The higher the ticket price and the more players that join a game will cause the prize to be larger.