This Card Game Will Perk Up Your Love Life!
Kick it up a notch...or two...or more!
Take a chance –– play Pillow Talk and improve communicating and connecting with your mate.
You get a deck of 52 playing cards plus a Pillow Talk Reward deck. The idea of Pillow Talk is to encourage partners to fully open up about their needs, wants and desires –– all in a fun, non-threatening and non-critical manner.
Get a new chance to experiment, figure out what you both want and replace those same-old, same-old routines with a rekindled lovin'.
• Pillow Talk Card Game
• Standard 52 card deck
• Pillow Talk Rewards deck
• Easy instructions
So put your phones on auto answer and don't answer the doorbell. If you have kids, figure out a way to get rid of them for a few hours –– then give yourselves permission to let your hair down a little with some Pillow Talk.
Adam & Eve recommends the Pillow Talk Card Game to loving couples who want to kicks things up a notch. Are you stuck in a routine? This fun game can un-stuck you in no time.
Get the Pillow Talk Card Game from Adam and Eve! And NOW get 10 FREE GIFTS including FREE SHIPPING when you order using our link above!