
House of Cards®


East Coast Gaming Congress (#ECGC, @EastCoastGaming) venue boasts poolside networking, world-class dining and more!

When planning to attend the east coast's premier networking conference with over 550 gaming operators, equipment manufacturers, regulators, attorneys, architects, analysts, public officials, investors and other gaming-related professionals, plan to take time out and enjoy:

Poolside Networking - the perfect scene for high end executive networking during the two day conference.

World Class Dining - after making a cinematic introduction to your new business contacts by the pool, close the deal during an exquisite meal at one of several world class dining options.

Waterfront Hotel - located right on the waterfront, you'll enjoy beautiful sunrises and have amazing access to the beach. Use the conference code SH04EC0 at checkout or mention the East Coast Gaming Congress over the phone to receive a special conference rate of $89 between April 26 - 28.

Enjoy the Nightlife - When the day's events conclude, keep the good times rolling with your new contacts in Atlantic City's nightlife.

Haven't registered for ECGC yet? Complete your registration to this year's event by clicking on this link!

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