Social gaming has been a long-standing citizen of the digital gambling environment, with a number of carefully cultivated collaborations worldwide unlocking the prospects of untapped potential across a multitude of industries.
One such example comes the way of social mobile operator KamaGames, whose numerous UFC partnerships, as well as a recent alliance with All Elite Wrestling, are said to have been “highly successful”.
However, Ross Krasner, CEO of San Francisco-based mobile real money tournaments platform Ryu Games, suggests that the social casino market could be in jeopardy.
This, he says, is “due to recent lawsuits with social casino leaders like Big Fish Games”, with it questioned whether such incumbents should consider pivoting to the real money gaming market instead.
This comes a short time after a US District Federal Court approved a settlement agreement between Aristocrat Leisure and plaintiffs that will see the company pay $31m to settle two lawsuits related to its online social gaming platforms.