The issue of ethical gambling is not a new notion – the betting industry has been grappling with a number of varying rules and regulations for some time. However, a new approach to the measures that are currently in place might see a shift in attitudes towards the betting industry’s role in problem gambling and the causation of the dilemma.
Speaking at Betting on Sports Europe – Digital 2020, Ekaterina Hartmann, Director of Legal and Regulatory Affairs at the EGBA, provided an insight into how the EGBA are going about finding solutions to problem gambling in this “crucial moment for the industry”.
She raised some important questions, explaining the issues at the heart of ethical gambling and how her company is going to tackle them: “How do we perceive a customer as low risk, medium risk or high risk? How is the risk going to be assessed? How do we conduct due diligence and enhanced due diligence? What do we accept as a source of proof or source of funds? There’s all kinds of things like this.”